
Posts Tagged ‘campus beauty’

Will “U” Marry Me? 8 Great Spots for a Campus Proposal

From When Harry Met Sally

“I love that you get cold when it’s 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you’re looking at me like I’m nuts. I love that after I spend the day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it’s not because I’m lonely, and it’s not because it’s New Year’s Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

1. Crim Dell Bridge, College of William and Mary (VA)

When prospective students tour William and Mary’s campus, they will hear at least one superstitious story about Crim Dell Bridge. A friend of mine told me that to avoid a spinster’s fate, she never crossed the bridge as student. The symbolism of the bridge fits the occasion of a proposal while the beauty of this cherished spot adds romance.

Crim Dell Bridge, William and Mary

Crim Dell Bridge








2. Campanile Hill, University of Kansas

In advance of graduation, KU students do not walk through the tower on Campanile Hill. A walk reserved for commencement day, Jayhawks superstitiously avoid passage until a degree is firmly in hand. Campanile Hill is a focal point of the beautiful campus is Lawrence, KS and therefore it serves as a popular proposal spot for couples who meet as students.

3. Kissing Rock, James Madison University

According to the website, Kissing Rock is “the longest-lived myth at James Madison University.” The protruding chunk of limestone in the main campus quad is said to have served as the  discrete meeting spot for women prohibited from keeping company with men without a dorm mother present. Today, students believe that sharing a smooch on the rock will firmly cement a couple’s union–thus, it is a popular spot to pop the question.

James Madison University Kissing Rock

James Madison University: Kissing Rock










4. The Century Tree, Texas A&M

According to the Texas A&M website, “The Century Tree is a place that holds a special place in the heart of many Aggies.” The tree symbolizes the longevity young couples seek in marriage.

Texas A&M University: Century Tree

Texas A&M University: Century Tree








5. Howard Fountain, University of Vermont

The Howard Fountain is a focal point of the University of Vermont’s main quad, the University Green. This picturesque setting is an elegant proposal setting for graduates. Follow-up with a scoop of Ben & Jerry’s for a very Vermont moment.

University of Vermont: Howard Fountain on the University Green













6.Shakespeare Garden, Northwestern University

For star-crossed literary love birds, Northwestern’s perfectly manicured garden is a prime proposal spot. The garden was designed using flowers and plants mentioned in Shakespeare’s plays and poems. Proposers should come armed with an original sonnet to complete the theme.

Shakespeare Garden: Northwestern University











7. Sweetheart Circle, Georgia Southern University

Unlike many other colleges, Georgia Southern does not have a quad, rather the campus’ main green space is heart-shaped and thus aptly dubbed “Sweetheart Circle.”  According to the Georgia Southern website, “the lawn has played host to numerous important events in the University’s history, including countless marriage proposals and wedding ceremonies – a tradition that continues today. It is said that if you walk around the circle three times with your sweetheart, you are sure to be married.”

Georgia Southern University: Sweetheart Circle










8. Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, University of Notre Dame

The Grotto at Notre Dame is a source of peace, comfort and serenity for students and alumni. And, the deeply spiritual aspect of a proposal to wed is certainly on the minds of the hundreds of couples that become engaged in this auspicious spot.

Notre Dame University: Grotto